3 Ton Grip Package
Download brochure (pdf) with package details, pricing and options
$325/day plus mileage, expendables billed at market price as used. Optional adders: Electrical -$110, HMI - $480, Quartz - $175. Prices and contents subject to change. Also Available - 5 Ton Grip Package Van Package
Grip Equipment
- 2 - Stand C 20” w/ head & ext
- 4 - Stand C 40” w/ head & ext
- 2 - Stand C 40” SL w/ head & ext
- 2 - Stand C 40” TB w/ head & ext
- 1 - Stand Combo Low Boy DR
- 2 - Stand Combo DR 4’ - 11’
- 2 - Stand Jr. TR Roller
- 2 - Stand HiHi Roller 83” - 20’
- 2 - Grip Head 4 ½”
- 4 - Baby Plate 3”
- 2 - Junior Plate
- 4 - Scissor Clip w/stud & hanger
- 2 - Furniture Clamp w/ 5/8” pin
- 2 - C Clamp 6” w/ 5/8” pin
- 2 - C Clamp 8” w/ 5/8” pin
- 6 - Pipe Clamp Baby 750
- 6 - Pipe Clamp Junior
- 6 - Spring Clamp Small
- 6 - Spring Clamp Medium
- 6 - Spring Clamp Large
- 1 - Triple Header Baby
- 2 - Triple Header Junior
- 1 - Offset Arm Baby
- 1 - Offset Arm Junior
- 1 - Side Arm Baby
- 1 - Side Arm Junior
- 1 - Vise Grip w/ Baby Stud
- 1 - Chain Vice Grip w/ Baby
- 2 - Gaffer Clamp
- 2 - Mafer Clamp w/ stud
- 2 - Flex Arm
- 1 - Foam Core Holder
- 2 - 2 x 4 Wall Spreaders
- 2 - Adapter Junior to Baby
- 2 - Scrim/Flag Kit 18” x 24” ea. w/2 solid, 1 double, 1 single, 1 silk
- 2 - Scrim/Flag Kit 24” X 36” ea. w/2 solid, 1 double, 1 single, 1 silk
- 1 - Solid Frame Kit 4’ x 4’ - 2 solid, 1 floppy, 1 silk, 1 single, 1 double
- 2 - Cutter 18” x 48”
- 2 - Cutter 24” x 72”
- 1 - 4’ x 4’ Open Flat Frame
- 1 - Dot Set of 18
- 1 - Finger Set of 12
- 1 - Cucoloris 18” x 24”
- 1 - Cucoloris 24” x 36”
- 4 - Hard/Soft Reflector 42” x 42”
Miscellaneous Items Included in Package
- 2 - 4’ x 8” ¾ Birch Plywood (MP)
- 2 - 1” x 12” x12’ Dolly Boards (MP)
- 3 - 1” x 4” x 12’ Lumber (MP)
- 4 - 2” x 4” x 12’ Lumber (MP)
- 1 - First Aid Kit
- 1 - Fire Extinguisher
- 1 - Cooler
- 1 - Garden Hose
- 2 - Tire Chocks
- 1 - Sledge Hammer
- 1 - Hand Saw
- 1 - Broom
- 1 - Bull Horn
- 1 6’x6’ Overhead/Butterfly Kit - 1 frame, 1 single white, 1 double, 1 solid,
- 1 silk, 1 griffolyn
- 1 - 12’x12’ Overhead/Butterfly Kit w/mounting ears, 1 frame, 1 single white, 1 double, 1 solid, 1 silk, 1 griffolyn
- 4 - Apple Box Full
- 4 - Apple Box Half
- 4 - Apple Box Quarter
- 4 - Apple Box Eighth
- 1 - Set Cup Blocks
- 4 - Stair Blocks
- 1 - Box/Crate Wedges
- 10 - Sandbag 25#
- 5 - Sandbag 35#
- 2 - 5’ Rubber Mat
- 4 - Sound Blanket
- 1 - Tarp 8’ x 10’
- 3 - Traffic Cone
- 1 - 6’ Step Ladder
- 1 - 8’ Step Ladder
- 1 - Hand Truck
Market Price For Items Used
- 1 - Full CTO L204 roll
- 1 - 3/4 CTO L285 roll
- 1 - 1/2 CTO L205 roll
- 1 - 1/4 CTO L206 roll
- 1 - 1/8 CTO L223 roll
- 1 - Full CTB L201 roll
- 1 - 1/2 CTB L202 roll
- 1 - 1/4 CTB L203 roll
- 1 - 1/8 CTB L218 roll
- 1 - Full CTS L441 roll
- 1 - 1/2 CTS L442 roll
- 1 - 1/4 CTS L443 roll
- 1 - 1/8 CTS L444 roll
- 1 - 1/2 Plus Green L245 roll
- 1 - 1/4 Plus Green L246 roll
- 1 - 1/2 Minus Green L248 roll
- 1 - 1/4 Minus Green L249 roll
- 1 - ND .3 L209 roll
- 1 - ND .6 L210 roll
- 1 - ND .9 L211 roll
- 1 - Full White Diffusion L216 roll
- 1 - 1/2 White Diffusion L250 roll
- 1 - 14 White Diffusion L251 roll
- 1 - Opal Frost L410 roll
- 3 - Full CTO L204 sheet
- 3 - 3/4 CTO L285 sheet
- 3 - 1/2 CTO L205 sheet
- 3 - 1/4 CTO L206 sheet
- 3 - 1/8 CTO L223 sheet
- 3 - Full CTB L201 sheet
- 3 - 1/2 CTB L202 sheet
- 3 - 1/4 CTB L203 sheet
- 3 - 1/8 CTB L218 sheet
- 3 - Full CTS L441 sheet
- 3 - 1/2 CTS L442 sheet
- 3 - 1/4 CTS L443 sheet
- 3 - 1/4 Plus Green L246 sheet
- 3 - 1/4 Minus Green L249 sheet
- 3 - Full White Diffusion L216 sheet
- 3 - 1/2 White Diffusion L250 sheet
- 3 - 1/4 White Diffusion L251 sheet
- 3 - Opal Frost L410 sheet
- 3 - 2” Black Permacel Gaffer Tape
- 3 - 2” Gray Permacel Gaffer Tape
- 1 - 1” White Camera Tape
- 1 - 1” Black Camera Tape
- 1 - 1” Yellow Camera Tape
- 1 - 1” Red Camera Tape
- 1 - 2” Black Paper/Can Tape
- 1 - 1” Black Paper/Can Tape
- 1 - 2” Double Stick Tape
- 1 - 2” Red/White Stripe Tape
- 5 - Electrical Tape
- 2 - Friction Tape
- 1 - Roll Duvetyne
- 1 - Tracing paper
- 1 - Silver/White Beadbord
- 2 - Black/White Foamcore
- 2 - White/White Foamcore
- 6 - B/W Show Card
- 2 - Matte Silver Show Card
- 2 - Shiny Silver Show Card
- 2 - Matte Gold Show Card
- 2 - Shiny Gold Card
- 1 - 100’ #8 Sash Cord
- 1 - 100’ #10 Sash Cord
- 1 - 12” Black Wrap
- 1 - 24” Black Wrap
- 1 - 20 Clothespins Package
- 1 - Dulling Spray
- 1 - Black Spray Paint
- 1 - WD40
- 1 - Silicone Spray
- 1 - Roll Visqueen
Electrical Adders
Electric Package
$110 Adder
- 1 - Dimmer 1k Rheostat
- 1 - Trico Large to CamLok tie-in
- 1 - Bare End to CamLok tie-in
- 1 - #2 CamLok feed 50’
- 1 - Distrobox 400 amp pass thru w/ 6 x 60 amp Pin CB
- 6 - Stage Box 60 amp 6 x 20 amp pin/Edison out
- 6 - Cable stage pin 25’
- 6 - Cable stage pin 50’
- 2 - Cable 60 amp pin 25’
- 4 - Cable 60 amp pin 100’
- 2 - 60 amp to 60 amp two-fer
- 8 - Cable Edison stinger 25’
- 8 - Cable Edison stinger 50’
- 4 - Edison Ground Lifts
- 6 - Edison Cube Taps
- 6 - Adapters F/Pin-M/Edison6 Adapters M/Pin –F/Edison
HMI Package
$480 Adder
- 2 - 575w Fresnel
- 2 - 1.2k Arrisun PAR1 1.2k Fresnel
- 1 - 4k Fresnel or Arrisun PAR
- HMI units include 25’ & 50’ Head Cable, scrim & lens sets as appropriate, Electronic or Magnetic Ballasts
Quartz Package
$175 Adder
- 3 - 300w Fresnel
- 3 - 650w Fresnel2 Snoot 650
- 2 - 1K Open Face
- 2 - 2k Open Face
- 1 - 1k Fresnel
- 2 - 2k Fresnel
- 1 - 1k Softlight
- 2 - 2k Softlight
Contact Us, call today - 1-800-243-4950 - for a competitive quote on your location lighting needs. For more information about Limelight Productions visit www.limelightproductions.com
Limelight Productions, Inc
471 Pleasant Street
Lee, MA 01238
tel 1-800-243-4950